Dmitry Janushkevich

RAID Open Water 2020 RAID Divemaster 2023 Rec diving only -- for now :-)

Most commented posts

  1. [AFSLUT] Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.3+4 (2x dyk) (10. Nov) — 6 comments
  2. Amager Strand hygge dyk (10. Nov) — 5 comments
  3. Beach dive at Amager Str. (8. Mar) — 2 comments
  4. Single beach dive at Trykkerdammen (9. Mar) — 2 comments
  5. AFLYST Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.2 (enkelt dyk) (9. Okt) — 1 comments

Author's posts

Single beach dive at Trykkerdammen (9. Mar)

Hi all! Since the weather is still kinda okay, I\’m going out to Trykkerdammen to further test my new gear. Please feel free to join! I will be at the club at 0930, drive out at 1000, and arrive at the location around 1100; dive start planned at 1145. We\’ll do about 40 minutes tops, …

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Beach dive at Amager Str. (8. Mar)

Hey all, I will be testing my new gear at Amager Strand this weekend — finally the weather seems co-operative, and will be happy to see anyone from KDK there as well.   Begivenhedstype Dykkertur Møde tidspunkt 10:30 Mødested Amager Strand Forventede maks dybte 5m Antal pladser 0 (0 = ingen maks antal pladser)

Amager Strand hygge dyk (10. Nov)

Hi all,   This is a replacement event for the cancelled boat trip. We will meet at Amager Strand and have ourselves a hygge dyk instead. Do bring foods and drinks with you to warm yourself up after the dive!   See you there, /DJ Begivenhedstype Dykkertur Møde tidspunkt 10:00 Mødested Amager Strand Forventede maks …

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[AFSLUT] Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.3+4 (2x dyk) (10. Nov)

Hello all, We are doing a training trip on Hvepsen and you are very welcome to join us! Frederik Lindberg kindly agreed to instruct me during this trip. Please note this will be a double trip which includes going back to the harbor and lifting the boat from the water etc as part of the …

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Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.2 (enkelt dyk) (15. Okt)

Hello all, First of all, sorry for such a short notice, but we have to catch the weather when we can. We are trying again for a training trip on Hvepsen and you are very welcome to join us! This is going to be my second trip, so I hope there will be close to …

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AFLYST Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.2 (enkelt dyk) (14. Okt)

Hello all, We are doing a training trip on Hvepsen and you are very welcome to join us! This is going to be my second trip, so I hope there will be close to no hiccups. Daniel Shanti kindly agreed to instruct me during this trip. We will meet at 16:00 at the slipway (slæbested) …

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AFLYST Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.2 (enkelt dyk) (9. Okt)

Hello all, We are doing a training trip on Hvepsen and you are very welcome to join us! This is going to be my second trip, so I hope there will be close to no hiccups. 🙂 Daniel Shanti kindly agreed to instruct me during this trip. We will meet at 16:00 at the slipway …

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Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.1 (enkelt dyk) (19. Sep)

Hello all, We are doing a training trip on Hvepsen and you are very welcome to join us! This is going to be my first trip, so I hope you excuse some hiccups which will inevitably happen. Daniel Shanti kindly agreed to instruct me during this trip. As always, we will meet at 16:00 at …

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Weekend dive at Munkholmbroen (30. Jul)

Hey all!   Subject to weather conditions which look promising for the moment, the KDK foreigner\\\\\\\’s legion 😀 is planning a weekend 2x dive at Munkholmbroen. Everyone\\\\\\\’s welcome to join too!   The plan is:   1. Meet at 0900 at the club to pack the gear 2. Set out at 0930 towards the place …

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