CMAS*/** student dive (30. Aug)

Destination – Helsingør Beach dive for rescue exercises.

We leave the club at 8.00, make sure your gear is packed and ready before that time.

Preferably we will go with one of the ribs since the students need trainig diving from that. If we end up going with a rib we may have limited amout of spaces, prioritizaiton on who goes will be made based on who needs which skills.

Spots will be prioritized for the students + instructors. If we have free spots we would love company of any other club divers.

Begivenhedstype Dykkertur Møde tidspunkt 8:00 Mødested Klubben
Forventede maks dybte 30m Antal pladser 0 (0 = ingen maks antal pladser)

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