Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.2 (enkelt dyk) (15. Okt)

Hello all,

First of all, sorry for such a short notice, but we have to catch the weather when we can. We are trying again for a training trip on Hvepsen and you are very welcome to join us! This is going to be my second trip, so I hope there will be close to no hiccups. Frederik Lindberg kindly agreed to instruct me during this trip.

We will meet at 16:00 at the slipway (slæbested) in Dragor, and will set off no later than 16:30, expecting to be back in the harbour before 18:30 due to the sun setting early now. Please be there in advance as it is desirable to go out as early as possible. Expect the dive to be limited to about 30min. The dive location will be decided before we depart.

The weather forecast looks quite favorable in terms of wind, though there may be some current.

Make sure to grab some warm drinks for after the dive!

Hope to see you there!


EDIT: I won\’t be diving tomorrow (my dry suit is still in repairs) so I am increasing the available space by 1.

Begivenhedstype Dykkertur Møde tidspunkt 16:00 Mødested Slæbestedet Dragør
Forventede maks dybte 20m Antal pladser 5 (0 = ingen maks antal pladser)

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