AFLYST Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.2 (enkelt dyk) (14. Okt)

Hello all,

We are doing a training trip on Hvepsen and you are very welcome to join us! This is going to be my second trip, so I hope there will be close to no hiccups. Daniel Shanti kindly agreed to instruct me during this trip.

We will meet at 16:00 at the slipway (slæbested) in Kastrup, and will set off at 16:30, expecting to be back in the harbour around 18:30 at the latest. Please be there in advance as it is desirable to go out as early as possible. The dive location will be decided closer to the date; I shall update this entry with more info when available.

The weather forecast looks rather unstable for the moment; I expect some wind. Should it become too much, we will have to choose another date.

Make sure to grab some warm drinks for after the dive!

Hope to see you there!


Slipway location:

Update: unfortunately, this is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, specifically significant current around 1700 at planned dive sites in addition to wind and waves.

Begivenhedstype Dykkertur Møde tidspunkt 16:00 Mødested Slæbestedet Kastrup
Forventede maks dybte 20m Antal pladser 4 (0 = ingen maks antal pladser)

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