Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr.1 (enkelt dyk) (19. Sep)

Hello all,

We are doing a training trip on Hvepsen and you are very welcome to join us! This is going to be my first trip, so I hope you excuse some hiccups which will inevitably happen. Daniel Shanti kindly agreed to instruct me during this trip.

As always, we will meet at 16:00 at the slipway in Dragør (slæbested), and will set off at 16:30, expecting to be back in the harbour around 19:30. The dive location has been decided to be the wreck site of Augusta, around 6nm from the departure site https://www.vragguiden.dk/wreck.asp?wreckid=1494

While there will be some wind on the way out, we are set to go as planned.

Should the weather be sunny, please remember sunscreen as the sun still bites. And make sure to grab some drinks for after the dive!

See you there!


Begivenhedstype Dykkertur Møde tidspunkt 16:00 Mødested Slæbestedet Dragør
Forventede maks dybte 5m Antal pladser 4 (0 = ingen maks antal pladser)

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