Bådføreruddannelse, Hvepsen nr. 1 (single dive) (3. Aug)

Hi all,

Please join us for a morning trip with Hvepsen. This will be my first training trip. We will meet at 10:00 at the slipway in Dragør (slæbested), and will set off at 10:30. We expect to be back in port around 13:30.

The dive location will be decided on the day of the dive, depending on the weather and current.

A final go/no-go will be posted here Friday morning to confirm weather conditions.

Begivenhedstype Dykkertur Møde tidspunkt 10:00 Mødested Dragør, Slæbested
Forventede maks dybte 15m Antal pladser 4 (0 = ingen maks antal pladser)

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