Rene Andersen holder foredrag om sin nye bog i klubben d.13 december kl. 19.00 – 21.30 i KDK’s klublokaler på Lærkevej 15D (13. Dec)

René har lavet et foredrag i forbindelse med sin bog udgivelse, hvor han fortæller om bøgerne.
Her fortæller han også om vanvittige og spændende oplevelser han har haft i forbindelse med at indsamle materialer til bøgerne gennem de sidste 15 års dykning.
Undervejs vil der også være muligt at stille spørgsmål samt meet and greet efter foredraget og købe bøgerne.
Backcover text: The countries from the Scandinavian region have seen many epic sea battles throughout their history. The desire to control the surrounding seas has led to many dramatic events… culminating in remarkable shipwrecks dating back to the Viking Age, World War I, and World War II. Some of the most horrific incidents happened during the World Wars, as both sides of the conflict tried to dominate the region and weaken the enemy by disrupting their shipping routes. Unfortunately, that led to many civilian ships paying the highest price. But not all shipwrecks were a result of a battle. Some of them became victims of nature’s forces, while others were a result of human error. Scandinavian waters are cold and dark, making them not so popular for divers. Still, the shipwrecks in those waters can compete with the most famous wreck locations. The combination of saltwater in the North and Norwegian seas and almost freshwaters of the Baltic Sea has resulted in one of the few places where you can find deteriorated shipwrecks, alongside some of the most preserved wreckages you’ll ever see. This book is one of the first to historically describe the dramatic Scandinavian wrecks in such a powerful way. Immerse yourself in the incredible stories from this astonishing underwater world and experience the shipwrecks of Scandinavia like very few people have!
/René B. Andersen & Frederik Lindberg

Begivenhedstype Andet Møde tidspunkt 19:00 Mødested Klubben
Antal pladser 0 (0 = ingen maks antal pladser)

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